Officially, Christmas under the Catholic religion hasn’t ended yet. January 8, 2012 will be as it is the Feast of Epiphany or Three Kings Day where a feast is held in honor of the visit of the magi to the Child Jesus. Though I’m not religious, it’s still something worth mentioning to those who would like to know.

Under the Chinese calendar, new year will be held on the 23rd of January and it’s a declared holiday in the Philippines which is a first a according to my mom. So, expect some celebration that will still be coming in some parts of Asia.

Greeting the official new year with the pain in my right lower back has been killing me since late last year. I’ve been trying to do some light cleaning, clearing all those that needs to be disposed and I’ve found this.

Bought in an expo almost more than 2 years ago.

I bought this because it was the only product I saw that was different in the expo. Used this once and laugh off as a worthless piece of beauty item because it felt nothing when being used but I was sadly mistaken.

Beware those with high-blood pressure conditions.

Ingredients are most likely same with the other salt glow.

What got me to try this again was the word “relax” and “blood circulation”. With my back hurting and my acupuncturist not yet open, I badly need blood circulation for my back. I’ve decided after much thought to try this again, hoping this might work and I was right.

Lightly pale pink with a pleasant smell of Jasmine

Texture and size are like iodized salt and are lightly fragrant which is a good thing because if they overdose the fragrance, it will give you a massive headache unless you like older woman, granny smelling perfume.

Texture wise for me is great and not really irritating.

I can say, this salt glow is really great for my lower right back. I can’t bend forward too much without feeling pain before and now after rubbing it in the shower, it feels great. I can now bend much without hurting too much.

I did tried it on my tired muscle legs from standing awhile ago and it really did soothe my tired aching muscles which I didn’t feel any when I first tried using this. Too bad you can only use this twice a week.

It’s Php 220/jar in sensual jasmine

I guess this shows that if you don’t have a problem that needs to be address on then don’t use a product with a specific problem for it because it won’t really work.

Is it worth it?
At first it was not but now since my back is in pain I say: Yes it is!

Will I buy again?
Honestly, I’m not sure if Php 220 is worth it. This is my first buying a salt glow.

Product Details:
Brand: Earth & Me
Type: Soothing Salt Glow in Sensual Jasmine
Weight: 170 grams
Price: Php 220 (this was bought 2-3 years ago; price may change)