Category: Face

A freebie I got when I rode the MRT last Thursday. It would seem like a long time I got something free from riding the train since I don’t ride it often anymore. Nowadays depending where I go, I ride via bus, jeep or drive. It’s hassle-free compared to the sardine packed train.

Pond’s White Beauty.

SRP is P10 only. Definitely fits your budget.

One thing you should know, the Philippines is the king of sachets. Filipinos especially in the lower economic sector rarely buy by the bottle. This is not extraordinary but rather normal. Sales are higher if you sell by sachet because you are guaranteed that most sari-sari store will carry it.

Other example I can cite goes on: powder coffee, chocolate and creamer, toothpaste, shampoo, hair conditioner and soap. You can also count in: vinegar, sardines, tomato sauces and paste, soy sauce, cooking oil, instant oatmeal and powdered soups.

Visit their website or Facebook if you’re a fan.

I normally don’t buy by sachet unless I want to try out the brand or when travelling. It does actually makes some sense since you spend less buying the actual whole product so it does not hurt the wallet when the product does not suit you. It is also disposable which is great because it’s not bulky in the bag.

This might be a little weird for those living in other countries as this sachet may come in as a free sample product and cannot be sold as individual product. Here, companies make a big buck out of this since it’s economical given that this is after all a third world country.

Oh yeah, why the MRT? Two words: foot traffic and mileage.

After a long 2 week continuous use, I’m proud to say here it is!!! Thanks for waiting! I want to make sure this product I’m using is thoroughly tested before I have my say on it. Of course, understandably we all have different types of skin. One product might work for you but not for the other so before purchase always read, research and proceed with caution.

To give you an overview, my skin type: combination with dry skin. Given my age (although most will say I’m still young but I myself don’t fairly think so), I’ve been experiencing moisture lost with series of blackhead and a few adult acne. They’re not that prominent but they’re visible enough to look irritating knowing it’s in there on your face.

Conscious?  Yeah, maybe. I don’t like the feeling people give me when they stare at my pimple and blackheads. It gives me the feeling I’m not very clean or hygienic but given living in Manila, it’s unavoidable unless you drive to office or hole up inside the house everyday.

Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub

If you notice their 100 gram bottle is quite big as compared to others. I think they used a 120 or 150 grams standard size bottle that is readily available in the market as a cost saving move rather than having a new mold made for a 100 grams size bottle. It’s just an observation I like to point out.

This is manufactured in Thailand.

You would probably notice that most of the beauty products sold here are made in Thailand or China. This is pretty much normal given that both have cheap labor and the distribution channel to Asia is nearer than those that are made in the US, Canada or EU.

I can’t say they’re bad or good but product selection, distribution, sourcing of ingredients and regulation plays a big part in here. I’ve heard Japan has one of the highest and strictest standard in the beauty industry than those of EU and US but the rest of Asia (except for Korea) is quite lax.

Just a thought, a chocolate manufactured from Australia taste different from those made in Indonesia. They might have the same ingredients but the percentage of ingredient used such as Cocoa Butter varies per country in line to the country they export to.  The stricter the regulations are the higher quality ingredients are used for that selected batch of product to be exported to that country.

Of course, substitution of ingredients is quite common given that EU regulation differs from the US and Japan. So one ingredient used might not be acceptable in the EU and Japan but is acceptable in the US. Given that, notice that in Europe they mostly sell specifically made EU products because of their regulation.


I like to point out not all cleanser whether it’s foam, liquid or scrub comes in sealed. Check out a few inside the supermarket and you’ll know what I mean. So, this is always a big welcome to purchase one that comes with this.

About a size of a 5 peso coin.

This scrub has a light citrus smell that works best on a slightly moist face where I can feel the micro scrub working it ways on my skin better than using it on a wet face. I find more blackheads visibly gone using this method but some whiteheads are still there…

 This comes in 6 small tubes.

After scrubbing I used this. They come in 6 small tubes and 1 tube lasted about for 5-6 use. Note, I only use it around the area of my nose and chin so you can considered me stingy. Given the price, you will probably do the same too. For 6 tubes, you get to use it all up about 36 times, that’s about 1 tube for every 2 weeks of 3 times a week use. Approximately, a total of 3 months use.

Neutrogena Warming Treatment ingredients.

This is made in Korea and I can attest that they really make excellent beauty product so I definitely have no say against them. Salicylic Acid ingredient is just 0.5%, this is considered low compared to the average pimple gel you can buy at the drugstore which is 2.5%.

Some direction: Use only 2-3 times a week on T-zone area.

All tubes are sealed.

Actual product is like a pimple gel ointment.

Squeeze a little to dispense the product and place immediately on the “infected” area. This warms my skin really fast and removes those remaining stubborn blackhead. Not bad but I actually don’t see much of the difference maybe just minimal only.

Cooling Toner

This bottle looks cheap. Yeah definitely cheap. Just scrape the printed label and it becomes a typical plastic bottle not associated or recognize with Neutrogena unlike their Rainbath Shower Bath and Gel line.

Toner is also sealed!

This product also contains Salicylic Acid.

Even though the bottle looks cheap, the label did live up to its name. Cool but not minty cool, just tingly cool enough on skin and really does tighten up the pores. I would recommend that you check out the mirror first and make sure no traces of blackhead remains or else! I made a mistake of using the scrub on a wet face method and without the use of warming treatment so I ended up with tighten blackhead pores…sigh!

Overall, this product line is not that bad at all. I would highly recommend you get the toner for summer use. Just a tip, skip the scrub and warming treatment and pair this toner with a lot of good facial scrub products available in the market such as VMV Hypoallergenic ID facial scrub or St.Ives Apricot Scrub. They both remove most blackheads and whiteheads in one use.

Product Details:
Brand: Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating
Product Line: Scrub, Warming Treatment and Toner
Price: Php 255, 495 and 295 (price in order as indicated above)
Usage: 2-3 times a week only (I only used it 3x a week)

Aveeno has always held a long fascination for me. It’s like a hit and miss thing. Though I know this brand is good, their products are awesome with other bloggers and is pretty much a masstige brand when you checked their price tag.

But despite the rave, I’ve always passed this brand because it does not have the appeal that gets me want to buy it and not just being content about knowing it. I feel it does not communicate to me the way I want it to be…or perhaps I might not just be their market.

It was only last year that I’ve rebelled and started to drift out of the buying norm. The don’t buy this and that brand because of too much advertising (over exposure), mass appeal with celebrity endorsers and geez! Everybody is using it!

Aveeno Smart Essentials daily moisturizer w/Southernwood extract

So right at S&R-Fort last year, I bought this. They are, by the way, kept inside a locked glass compartment near the cashier which is directly in front of the pizza station. A good thing I kept the box or I wouldn’t show you how it looks in actual!

I love the feel and look of the bottle. It’s definitely feels thick and sturdy that I once dropped this and was happy that pump head was still attached and not forcibly remove by the impact as what had happened to my Olay Total Effects.

Oil-free, hypoallergenic and noncomedogenic w/SPF30.

The box is detailed with vast information about the brand, product and benefits. Easy to read and understand with a clear print of the expiration date so you know what you’re buying.  You don’t need to be like Inspector Gadget to look for it unlike other brands.

Smart Essentials for the stressed and busy lifestyle.

Accdg to my research on the net, Southernwood extract soothes dry and irritated skin cause by fatigue, stress and environmental factors such as the Sun.

Being related to wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), this key ingredient combined with rich antioxidant ingredients stimulates the blood and moisture supply in skin giving you a soft and smooth hydrating glow after.

Other ingredients are pictured below:

Active ingredients

Inactive ingredients.

Who doesn’t know J&J?

I always love products that are made in the Japan, USA and Canada. To me they represent: quality and prestige. Quality in terms of quantity & quality of the ingredients used and Prestige knowing it came from a reliable place that places high standard in manufacturing.

Pump type dispenser

Pump is designed with a small hole. This ensures that you only need to use a small amount for the face and neck. No wastage for the consumer’s part in terms of usage.

Expiration date printed on bottle’s end

In case you lost the box, the expiration date is printed on the bottle’s end and does not fade over time like others.

The moisturizer smells like a light “powdery” sweet scent of a flower but not the overdose sticky sweet smell you get from perfumes and it fades away once applied. I cannot identify the scent but I do like it.

This brand certainly does lived up to its claim of hydrating and lightweight. It’s definitely not sticky and touching my face after application, I can feel a light smooth coating of emollient on my face about a second or so that sinks in my skin later on.

Also, my skin does look fresh and hydrated everyday morning and does look quite younger and softer to touch because of the Vitamin A, C & E included but in terms of performance, I prefer my Clinique Superdefense SPF 25 Defense Moisturizer but of course this is tad expensive.

However, if you are using Olay Total Effects and you are willing to pay more I suggest you should try this.

Is it worth it?
Depends. Given my age, I want a better performance moisturizer. This is perfect though for young adults to early twenties. However, given that you cannot use one specific moisturizer throughout the year, this is a great alternative switch before going back to your regular anti-ageing moisturizer.

Will I buy again?
I might try their POSITIVELY AGELESS moisturizer line next time if it’s available at S&R.

Product Details:
Brand: Aveeno
Product: Smart Essential Daily Nourishing Moisturizer
Price: Php 800-900+ (sorry, I lost the receipt but I know it’s around that price)
Where: S&R Fort Bonifacio (in front of St. Luke’s Medical)

I’ve unearthed a couple of old pic stored at some folder in my laptop and I’ve decided to give it a review right away since I was already half way finishing most of the products and it would be a waste if I did not.

Among those is Leyende’s Lift Off Serum and Makeup Remover with Tomato Extract for face.  Bought last year in an expo and started using it late in the 2nd quarter, I can say for its size I’m surprise I haven’t managed to finish it as I was just half way only…

Actual product is vacuum sealed tight so you’ll know if someone has opened it or not.

Passionately handmade by empowered women in the Philippines.

Ever since I finished my Shu Uemura cleansing oil, I tried using this as a replacement but sadly it has a stubborn time removing some of my makeup especially my current liquid eye liner from Bloom that I end up using Lancome’s Bi-Facil most of the time to remove all traces of it.

But when used as a facial “serum” (which I think is badly label) it’s astonishingly quite good and definitely economical since you only need to use a little and  it absorbs quite quickly. It’s not sticky or has an overpowering scent of Coconut oil. Waking up each morning after using it nightly, I see my skin looks soft and younger.

With ingredients like:

Sweet Almond oil + Organic Coconut oil + Jojoba oil + Ylang Ylang + Tomato extract + Vegetable glycerin + Vit E.


repairs dry, cracked skin  + prevent premature skin ageing + prevents damage from free radical  +  anti-seborrhoeic & anti-septic +  antioxidant  + topical remedy for skin rashes  (alternative for alcohol based moisturizer and preservative) & psorizies + anti-ageing

Obviously this product is a “STEAL” compare to other branded products. However, due to its organic property and ingredients consumption must be limit to 1 year or less or it will go rancid. So, once opened you have to use it quickly and if you are like me who likes to experiment, try mixing it with your current moisturizer.

Will I buy again?

Maybe not. I prefer Shu Uemura as my makeup remover and honestly I’m never really into oils as moisturizer. I always see them as cooking oil. I don’t know why but if you are a keen fan of organic products then this is your go product.


Brand: Leyende Lift Off Serum and Makeup Remover
Price: Php 350
Content: 100ml
Available: N/A (I can’t find this on their website but it is currently feature on their e-commerce site e-brochure)

Alright. Summer here in the Philippines is waaaaaaay too hot compared to last year! It is as if I’m being baked, barbecued or even grilled alive under the sun despite being indoors most of the time. Cranking up the aircon on max doesn’t even do the job well.

So as I said summer is here….and my skin tends to dry most of the time and my face is always covered with a thin-film of oil as if I’m coating a pan for sunny side ups. Thinking all about the dusts that covers the floor and desk everyday makes household work more…taxing and being coated in sweat and dirt is not really a good thing to imagine.

Here comes St. Ives. There are lots of changes in the brand since I’ve started using this way back at H.S but I’ve stopped for a while for about 5 years after I uhh got sidetrack? Hahaha! I mean after snagging dozen of body wash and some specialized facial scrubs. But then, imagine? That was like more than 10 years ago since H.S and see how time flies by so fast to recall one good product!

AND if you are an old-time user like me you know the jar isn’t like this before. I remembered it being peach-orange body with embossed logo orange cap in a smooth edge semi-rectangular shape body with transparent stick on label. And now it’s what? A circular white body with clear stick on label as showed in the picture below with a green label “FRESH SKIN”. (Duh? They now come in different variants. Dang! I’m surprised! I must be left behind.)

Yeah, ok. Obviously they economized the packaging design (should I say looks recyclable?? :)) but manage to have the brand look fresh unlike the old style BUT the price jacked up way higher than before especially those in tubes that a lot of alternatives propped up in the shelves which my brother bought one last year and it ain’t good. So, I opt for the trusted brand in jar.

Surprisingly, as you can see they revved up the formulation unlike the old one which has a watery consistency. Watery meaning each scoop remove the product in the jar collapses back to the fold creating an almost non-existing scoop…in short if some sneaky fellow used the scrub you won’t know till it’s gone!

Gone might be a little exaggeration but I’m quite happy that the product did not fold back and remain stiff the way it is. I can’t remember the old smell of this but the new one smells fresh and citrus-y. I guess it might be the ingredient: limonene aside from Apricot and Fruit Extract.

The scrub is surprisingly less harsh from what I can remember but still I wouldn’t recommend using it on your face every week as it might be too harsh for sensitive skin (Don’t believe what the label says: For best results use 3 to 4 times per week –whuaat!??).  Maybe once every 2 weeks will do provided you don’t use other facial scrubs.

This might be “eeeww” for some but I really don’t scrub my face every week. Just plain water and facial wash unless I really feel my face is slightly rough. So, I guess it’s more of a personal choice of being over-scrub, under scrub or just enough. Btw, if you are wondering why not drugstore facial scrub brands with microbeads? Well, they don’t work well enough for me and my face don’t feel clean after each use.

The Question: Is It Worth It?
Hell! Yes it is! Save your bucks and buy this apricot maker scrub. I understand that there are a lot of variant which can make this confusing and some not being available in the local market but the one in JAR is a must for all-in-one, head to toe scrub. Still made in the USA, this “FRESH SKIN” variant cost PHP227.75  for 283g/jar @ SM Supermarket so you might as well forget buying a separate foot scrub as this works well enough and last quite a long time.