Category: Face

Something just arrived in my house late last week.

Mommy Patch - products

Mommy Patch products that arrived late last week.

I saw this product first at Zalora Philippines and decided to search more about this brand. A quick search will provide you with various product reviews (but mostly their mosquito product line) since the brand was born in 2010.

Currently their website is currently under construction so expect it to be un-friendly in terms of UX navigation and UI presentation. Given that I came from IT industry, I would say it’s better to inquire via their Facebook account instead.

What’s so great about them is that you can directly order from them instead via their resellers which there was one brand who does unless I am a reseller. Uh duh. I’m sure prices sold via their reseller are posted more or less in SRP (standard retail price) so I just don’t get it.

Beside, it’s not as if I’m going to buy just 1-4 pieces. So, I ended up buying Mommy Patch instead.

The reason why I like buying directly from producers is because I am guaranteed that the product is fresher as compared to resellers. I already have a lot of bad experiences buying from resellers so I avoid buying from them.

Mommy Patch - Soaps in rope

Soaps on a Rope (includes a pouch): Peppermint Shea,
Goat Milk with Olive Oil and Lavender Shea

Anyway, moving on. Mommy Patch’s soap and moisturizer line is not as extensive as the other brand I’ve inquired. Nevertheless, when I’ve arrived home from work and I can really smell the strong Lavender from the package that was placed on the kitchen table.

I knew by then this is gonna be a winner. I hope I’m not mistaken.

Mommy Patch - Glowing Contessa Olive Dry Oil Mist

Glowing Contessa Olive Dry Oil Mist

This one has no bottle cap cover. I bought this as my Badger Balm’s Damascus Rose Antioxidant Body Oil is about 1/4 less of the bottle. I am you know already making an advance preparation. Hahaha!

Mommy Patch - Moroccan Argain Oil

Moroccan Argan Oil

For this, I was very curious about Argan Oil since last 2 years ago but never bother to buy one until now. There are a lot of sellers way back then, some still exists, some folded up and some are “not so pure” seller and I didn’t want to buy one without reading reviews from other bloggers.

I’ve decided to buy this instead of other brands since I was already placing their products on the order and based on some reviews I’ve read, it’s not bad so adding it to one shipment hits two bird in one stone (note: I tend to buy by the bulks in one brand to replenish my existing skin care products).

What I’ve regret to add-on my purchase was their Rosehip Oil but given that it almost reach a certain price budget, I regretfully did not include it because I have reduced my price limit on bath and skin care per purchase as I’ve just recently bought a lot of reading books over Amazon.

Mommy Patch - Goat Milk with Glutathione soap

A freebie given: Goat Milk w/Glutathione soap

This one was a freebie given included in the purchase. Although I’m not into the Glutathione hype or so, nevertheless a freebie is always a welcome to try something that you wouldn’t try on or even purchase due to various reasons.

If you’ve notice, most of them are wrapped in a plastic bag. They arrived like that inside a paper food take away box like those I get in the Banchetto when I used to work late at night near Robinson Cybergate. It’s nice they’ve package it that way so spillage won’t affect other products.

They’ve also included a small shop bag which is cute. Anyway, watch out as I’ll start using them maybe by late April or early May so expect a review by the late of May 2013. I hope to be on schedule but it varies upon the usage and consumption of my current products.


Product Details:

Brand: Mommy Patch
Products: Soap on a Rope (Lavender Shea, Peppermint Shea and Goat Milk w/Olive Oil), Moroccan Argan Oil, Goat Milk w/Gluthathione soap and Glowing Contessa Olive Dry Mist Oil
Price: N/A to be posted per product review
Where: Mommy Patch official website and or official Facebook page

Too much work this past few weeks so I wasn’t able to review some stuff that needs review. Aside from we had a sneaky visitor (read: Rat) which ate and stole my soap I’m testing for review, everybody is preparing for the Holy Week as it is a very, very long weekend vacation. The longest in fact for this year.

Steam Cream

Steam Cream Natural Skincare for Face, Body and Hands

Remember my rant on this? I’ve spotted this one at Beauty Bar and back at home, I was looking for the expiration date and hell and damination. None! Na da! I’ve researched online and they’ve shown a small sticker on the back with printed best use date of the product. In Beauty Bar, there were none!

Anyway, since I’ve bought it, I might as well used it on the day I’ve bought it. Which I did. Sigh.

Steam Cream - Brugge design

~ Brugge ~
Medieval city of canals and cycles, I sit by a river, contemplating my souvenirs. I bite into the chocolate-covered pear and as I notice the detail in the delicate lace, it suddenly tastes darker.

When I first saw this, I was curious to the point of “this look is mysterious–ahumm humm what is it?” That I kept on coming back looking into it which reminds me of an intricate spider web design only in lace version.

I might not so sure about the description of this (from the official site) as I didn’t understand how biting the chocolate-covered pear and seeing the delicate lace has alter the sense of taste…. maybe by looking at the delicate lace he was like transported or sort? Such semantics I have no idea interpreting.

Steam Cream - Tsubaki design

~ Tsubaki ~
Inspired by the fabrics of Japan. This Tsubaki (or camellia flower) print is a must-have on spring accessories such as a fashionable ‘obi’, or kimono sash.

This design is old and traditional. I got this because I found this as the next best thing on the display but right now I’m regretting getting this.  Maybe I should have waited instead before buying two tins in one purchase.

I’m serious. The design does not certainly look like it’s for Spring.

Steam Cream with  sticker seal

Sealed with a side sticker!

Anything that is sealed is good. It means it’s not tampered, not opened and considered brand new when sold. I have an experienced buying a jar of salsa only to found out at home it was already opened by someone (read: no popping sound). It ended up in the trash.

Steam Cream ingredients

High quality ingredients right inside a tin!
Surprisingly made in Japan.

Surprisingly most of the Steam Cream I’ve checked in Beauty Bar is made in Japan. I have yet to get something that is made in the UK. The ingredients are jam-packed in a tin like: Oatmeal, Orange Flower Water, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Cocoa Butter, Lavender Oil etc.. which is surprisingly again, the tin is worth the price.

Steam Cream - upclose look

Like Cold Cream? Naah! Maybe. One first look.
No messy, oily thing floating on the surface unlike cold creams

I using it for quite sometime before taking pictures. Hihi! I did want to wait anymore. In fact I’m down to my second tin. The smell is heavenly that is, if you favor Lavender and not just any Lavender but the dried Lavender bud smell you can buy from any herb and flower store.

The smell made me recall my first ever purchase of those dried Lavender buds when I was in San Francisco inside a Victorian gift shop. If Lavender is not your type, skip. This might not be for you but on the second thought, I encourage you to try this out.  The smell disperse after a minute once applied on the skin.

Steam Cream & Organi - thick swatches

Swatches (L to R): Organi Whipped Body Butter and Steam Cream

The texture is very light and looks watery as you can see above compared to a whipped body butter but once applied, you can feel that this is no ordinary moisturizer.

Steam Cream & Organi - swatch and spread

Check it out! Almost like a lotion but not.
Texture wise. It’s different.

If you compared other drugstore brands, it feels like water. I mean once applied it’s so watery you don’t feel any moisturizing properties after an hour or so. This one really sinks into the skin easily but is a little sticky after due to a lot of oils in the ingredients but after some minute it’s gone.

When touched, I can feel my skin moisturized like there is a light barrier of coating, similar to when applying Shea Butter though this is not a problem for my part since I’m always inside an air-coned environment.

Overall, I find this great for an everyday moisturizer as compared to Organi Whipped Body Butter that is more expensive that you have *gasp* twink your eyes several times and slowly exhale thinking about using it everyday twice or thrice a day.

Then again, if you can afford to buy it then go. Otherwise, keep looking. Steam Cream is not expensive when used on the face only as compared to Olay Regenerist. On the body, Dove Pro Age would do. Otherwise, for those on the go, this is a must. One tin for the face, body and hand.


Is this worth it?
Seriously, it’s a yes for me despite the price against the weight because it’s portable, multitask moisturizer for face and body and it’s loaded with different ingredients such as: Orange Flower Water and Orange Flower Absolute, Almond, Jojoba, Lavender and Chamomile Oil just to name some.

For seriously dry, cracked and sensitive skin, I’m not sure if this is for you. Better use cocoa and shea butter.

Will I buy again?
Well yes, yes and a yes! I just bought the Japonisme and I seriously so love the simplistic design.

Except the journey was quite a bit menial since I did have to do a little serious research for the latest packaging design before purchasing one due to no best before date sticker at the bottom.

Product Details:
Brand: Steam Cream – Simple Quality Skincare
Product:  Steam Cream moisturizer for face, body and hands (75 grams)
Price: Php 695
Where: Beauty Bar, Eastwood City, Libis

I remembered the brand Shu Uemura when it first came to the Philippines. It was like all over the newspapers, magazines and fashion events. It was seriously the talk of the town.

Everybody knows it, everybody wants it and everybody at some point owns at least one product from the brand. Especially me. I owned their best-selling eye curler —and I hardly ever used it. Don’t ask me why.

The next thing I owned was their best-selling Cleansing Oil in Sakura or Fresh version in their monstrous jumbo bottle. It took me almost 3 years to almost finish it before deciding to trash the remaining as I find any beauty product w/out any special “seal” beyond 2 years was freaking no-no to use.

Remember, this is an oil based product and not just any solid based product with tons of preservatives. Then, I found an alternative switch to Lancome Bi Facil then finally, Muji which isn’t that bad but not as par with Shu but I like the bottle size they offered which later help me decide what size to purchase on.

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil in AO (Green) - duo set

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil in A/O duo set

I had my eyes on this variety for quite some time but wouldn’t budge to purchase this at Rustan’s as it’s so freaking expensive. I was like “no thank you, never mind” but when the opportunity came to buy one abroad last year —cheaper and with a fresh looking stock turn over, I grabbed it.

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil in AO (Green) - back label

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil in A/O – box back label

As a Japanese brand, it has all the instructions with images printed out for the consumer which something most EU or US brands hardly ever have on. The instruction says 3-4 pumps. I find half or one full pump enough for my face and neck followed by a gentle cleanser such as Cetaphil.

Sorry, I’m being too lazy but we don’t have instant warm water coming out of the faucet and I don’t see the point of having one made just for this. Of course warm water do helps remove the make up better as I did tried it but either way, I prefer using another gentle cleanser after to remove the small traces of make up left.

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil in AO (Green) - 2 individual bottles

2 individual Shu Uemura A/O bottles in one box.
Both 100 ml each.

I chose this as it was economically pack because I was in a hurry to grab and go and this was the only variety available in this kind of bottle (I was seriously wanting to buy the blue version also). When I came home, I thought at first I’ll be opening to see 2 bottle inside but to my surprise both are pack individually presentable.

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil in AO (Green) - ingredients

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil A/O – list of ingredients.
Made in Japan.

This A/O green version is for those concern with ageing as it has antioxidant properties such as Green Tea and Ginkgo Leaf extract. Some Ingredients listed also include Jojoba seed oil, Macadamia Ternifolia seed oil and Safflower seed oil. For their benefits see below:

(1) Jojoba oil contains high antioxidant properties while (2) Macadamia Ternifolia seed oil is almost similar to our skin sebum which makes this great in revitalizing dry and aging skin and (3) Safflower seed oil contains Linoleic acid that has powerful dirt and oil-removing abilities. Not bad for a cleansing oil.

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil in AO (Green)

One bottle now emptied. It lasted me for almost 7 months of use. Not bad.

Now, does it work? Yes it does better than other brands I’ve tried especially on waterproof makeups. This one is not too filmy or leaves a thick coating of oil after wash.  For anti-ageing thing, I’m not really too sure on that but the oil is very mild and applies thinly on the face which I found this waaay better than Muji’s.

Right now, I’ve opened my 3rd bottle and lining it together with my newly purchased of Organi Organic Cleanser & Toner last December now that I’ve finished with my Cetaphil cleanser. I can say, one 100 ml bottle can last me for almost 7 months. That is not bad by the way.

To summarized my usage: I’ve been using this once a day for 5-6 days a week. Half a pump for thinly applied makeup or full pump for full faced make up (BB Creams, sun block with foundie etc..)


Is this worth it?
I bought this in HK airport and it’s waaaaay *cheaper* than buying in Manila or Singapore because I remember raving about it so much inside the airport cabin. It really removes waterproof make up better than other brands and does not leave a thick film of oil coating on your face.

Aside from finding the size superb as compared to their jumbo bottle as the product is fresher that way and spoilage is minimized. So this is a double YES!

Will I buy again?
Yes! After all this is already my 3rd bottle.

Pls note that if you hardly using any makeup or just minimally, buy the small one instead or something else like Lancome Bi Facil which is actually very good (I owned two bottles before). I made a mistake buying the Fresh big bottle long time ago and I was hardly ever using much make up way back then so it was a waste of money for my part.

Product Details:
Brand: Shu Uemura
Product:  Cleansing Oil Premium A/O Advance Formula
Price: ( I lost the receipt, sorry.)
Where: HK Duty Free Airport

I love roses but not really the real actual roses. If you give me a bouquet of rose I might, like you know give you a poker face. Of course the gesture is very thoughtful and nice however flower roses are not really my thing especially the real ones because they’re not my preferred flowers.

Looking back in 2010 or 2009, I think someone gave me a bouquet or roses in the office. Special delivered of course and I was like ah…you know just bloody stared at it and wouldn’t even touch a single thing of it.

When I think about roses, I would probably want one to freshly decorate the house but not something given to me personally.  I feel that receiving a bouquet of roses or any flowers entirely depends who is giving it. I am, how should I say this…more like the feeling must be mutual in some way. Otherwise, the gesture is lost.

Still, honestly I don’t like people giving me roses. Especially people I’m not close with, those pretending to be “anonymous” and or those I’m not fond of. I prefer another flower but what kind that is *wink*wink* a secret.

Though I learn to be polite just to be sincere but in cosmetics and fragrances it certainly does has its uses.

W.S Badger Co. - Damascus Rose Antioxidant Body Oil

Badger Damascus Rose with Lavender & Chamomile in a cute pink glass packaging

W.S Badger Co. Inc. famously known as Badger is a brand I’m very familiar with since college. Well known for its balms in tin casing which graced the local fashion magazine years ago. I bought some of its tins for gifts on Christmas years ago for my close friend.

I bagged this in Rustan’s Shangrila after my yearly medical check up last January and was curious to find out they are now offering body oils aside from the usual tins.  The packaging color is in antique rose which I found it cute and lovely.

W.S Badger Co. - Damascus Rose Antioxidant Body Oil - side

And yes, this can be also use on the face!

The two available offerings were Vanilla and Unscented and some body massage oils. Choosing among the available I got this instead because of the magic sentence that caught my eye: “Reduce the appearance of stretch marks and fine lines”.

Though they have a similar product like this that is specifically used for the face but was not available in Rustan’s but given the label stated it can be used as a facial treatment so this product is a plus for its multi-use!

The only difference is that the facial product has Baobab oil and does use not Olive oil as it’s based oil. So this product is more potent than the body oil. Still, the body oil is not bad right?

W.S Badger Co. - Damascus Rose Antioxidant Body Oil - organic cold pressed oils

The product’s main carrier oil is Olive while the organic cold pressed and essential oils included are: Jojoba, Pomegranate, Seabuckthorn Berry, Rosehip, Calendula, Rose, Lavender and Chamomile. It’s a jam-packed of ingredients all in one that helps restore the skin.

Trying it for almost a month now, I can say this is great but not totally superb. I guess I’m still quite not use using body oils as moisturizer as I keep on reaching my Organi Whipped Body Butter or Olay Pro Age body lotion (for my lower leg) after each use.

Stretch marks are still there though but my skin looks a little finer than before but the “sunspots” which looked like freckles on my upper arms was gradually lightening when used together with Organi Whipped Body Butter which I find it great.

W.S Badger Co. - Damascus Rose Antioxidant Body Oil - ingredients

The scent is light with a hint of mature Rose (not the one that smells rotten!) plus a whiffed of  blended Lavender and Chamomile is traceable but not really noticeable. There is a very slight tangy powder smell which I can’t point out but I’m guessing it must be the Pomegranate.

Overall, this is best used after shower or bath when skin is slightly damped to maximize the usage and absorption quickly with just a little use though you need to wait for a while to let it absorb. If you are a little picky, you can spray with thermal water (Evian or Avene) and spread the body oil all over.

If uncomfortable with just using this, you can always combined with other after use. Smooth body oil on skin then rub with lotion or body butter. It did worked for me especially on my sunspots and it becomes more “potent” that way.

Using this from face to toe might not last even for 3 months. Best used as a “spot area treatment” everyday or during cold months (or air-con environment). For summer, yes it can be use but I go for something lighter as Philippine summer is different — which is kinda stingingly hot and humid, making the skin sweat, itchy and uncomfortable.


Is this worth it?
For me it’s a yes! A multipurpose body oil that can also be used on face as a serum before slathering a facial cream and as a moisturizer in place of a lotion, it’s definitely worth to owned one. Beside, you get added oils such as: Jojoba, Pomegranate, Seabuckthorn Berry, Rosehip, Calendula, Rose, lavender and Chamomile in just one bottle.

Though to some, they might find the price is a little stiff high as those available in the mass market but given this is certified organic and cruelty free (and it’s Rustan’s — you know they marked this things high!), I guess you have to pay a certain premium price for it.

Will I buy again?
Maybe. I’m still exploring other products in the market.

Product Details:
Brand: W.S Badger Co. Inc
Product:  Damascus Rose with Lavender & Chamomile Antioxidant Body Oil (118 ml)
Price: Php 995
Where: Rustan’s Shangrila Plaza Mall

V&M Naturals is one of the top-selling online beauty brands in the Philippine local market. I’ve seen this before a long time ago and just recently decided to purchased this brand late last year. Not sure why I only decided just last year, maybe it skipped my mind as my life was passing by.

V&M Naturals

V&M Naturals (clockwise): Shea Butter, CPC+G, Emu Oil, Rosehip Oil and Bikini Bomb

I purchased a lot via their package deals just to try out at least most of their products in one bulk and I can proudly say I can finished most of them by this Sunday and I might have some empty bottles and jars for recycling. Not bad right?

V&M Naturals facial oils

Trying something new: Emu Oil, CPC+G and Rosehip Oil

Emu Oil 100% Pure Refined & Organic. This one really absorbs into the skin quickly leaving it very soft, supple and moisturize. I might add, my skin looks refine after using it.

CPC+G Whitening Treatment. This one has no smell… well actually I can’t trace any scent in this. It’s quite potent for those light spots or area but not that much for really dark areas.

Rosehip Oil 100% Pure. I wouldn’t recommend smelling this one if you are purely swatching it because it has this certain pungent scent associated with oils. It’s not totally offensive but rather it’s very very light and not noticeable once applied on the face or body.

I have used this oil together with V&M Shea Butter. Using this alone like the Emu Oil, it quickly absorbs easily in my skin which makes my skin look moisturized but has a little shine which is weird. This I think might be pure but not a class S (superior) or A Rosehip oil despite coming from Spain.

I think these 3 oils can be used alone while the latter two for me is best recommended to mix with other creams and lotions to make the product in someway more effective and achieve a more visible (and favorable) results.

V&M Naturals Shea Butter

100% Pure Shea Butter – Has a light nutty goodness smell

V&M Naturals Shea Butter - actual product

Shea Butter – actual product

This one has a nutty smell which I really like but the application onto the skin is a little drag. So what I did was dump a lot of Emu and Rosehip Oil then mix to create a semi thick creamy consistency that is easy to use since it spreads better and I only use a little unlike using it pure.

Does this removed stretch marks? Well using this for 1 1/2 months I should say it does not. What it does is, it makes my stretch mark look “softer” meaning it’s not pronounce as it is before.  It also hydrates the skin and it does not feel sticky after use. It’s not bad right? In fact I keep on reaching this every now and then.

V&M Naturals Bikini Bomb

Bikini Boooomb!!! Boom!!

Not a fan of head to toe whitening but for those spot whitening yes I am indeed! Bikini Bomb is an interesting name indeed but the sticker label print … is not.

V&M Natural Bikini Bomb - actual product

Looks like a candle surface in actual….

Bikini Bomb is more like a hard balm in texture. Instead of rubbing my fingers on the balm, I scrap off some and rubbed them on skin since it spread easier without me swiping all over again. Since I’ve tried swiping my fingers on it all I got was some thin filmed coating of oil to which I thought wouldn’t be as effective as the first.

Anyway, I didn’t diligently use this one but I should say it did lighten some semi-dark spot on my feet but it takes some time. On some area such as the groin area (bikini area) or elbows I can’t say if it’s effective because I never tried it on there…


Is this worth it?
Maybe. I like the Emu Oil, Rosehip Oil and Shea Butter and would probably buy them again. With CPC+G and Bikini Bomb, probably not. I think it’s better to save up money and go have a whitening treatment session at some certified Dermatologist or Spa but for maintenance or spot treatments, yes this would probably be worth it.

Will I buy again?
It depends but if I find other products that replaces them then probably no but for the Emu Oil I will.

Product Details:
Brand: V&M Naturals
Product: Emu Oil, Rosehip Oil, CPC+G, Shea Butter and Bikini Bomb
Price: Pls check their website for their package deals.
Where: V&M Naturals multiply site