A freebie I got when I rode the MRT last Thursday. It would seem like a long time I got something free from riding the train since I don’t ride it often anymore. Nowadays depending where I go, I ride via bus, jeep or drive. It’s hassle-free compared to the sardine packed train.

Pond’s White Beauty.

SRP is P10 only. Definitely fits your budget.

One thing you should know, the Philippines is the king of sachets. Filipinos especially in the lower economic sector rarely buy by the bottle. This is not extraordinary but rather normal. Sales are higher if you sell by sachet because you are guaranteed that most sari-sari store will carry it.

Other example I can cite goes on: powder coffee, chocolate and creamer, toothpaste, shampoo, hair conditioner and soap. You can also count in: vinegar, sardines, tomato sauces and paste, soy sauce, cooking oil, instant oatmeal and powdered soups.

Visit their website or Facebook if you’re a fan.

I normally don’t buy by sachet unless I want to try out the brand or when travelling. It does actually makes some sense since you spend less buying the actual whole product so it does not hurt the wallet when the product does not suit you. It is also disposable which is great because it’s not bulky in the bag.

This might be a little weird for those living in other countries as this sachet may come in as a free sample product and cannot be sold as individual product. Here, companies make a big buck out of this since it’s economical given that this is after all a third world country.

Oh yeah, why the MRT? Two words: foot traffic and mileage.