I have to admit, I know most of you guys have at least a couple of holy grail brand of cosmetics. The word made me stop, pause and think if I do have one because I tend to switch brand quite easily after the first use.

Holy grail to me means something not replaceable with other products. It must be that brand of the same item of the same kind or none at all. Like a little kid stumping on the floor demanding to have it now now and now! Or I won’t bulge from this floor. Hahahaha!

Anyway, I like to show you one brand I have been using since I was a kid. And yes, I have a holy grail and if you are wondering what it is…it’s not your typical girl-la-lu product.

Methyl Salicylate Camphor + Menthol = Efficascent Oil

This childhood favorite ointment still delivers a big punch. It’s does not build up too much burning heat sensation on skin like some counter ointment but just enough long-lasting warmth to really soothe the pain away. It even helps you go to sleep well at night.

Love the metallic embossed paper unlike the old ones before during the 90’s

For stress, back ache, muscle pain, cramps and a lot, lot more, this is my instant everyday, quick on the go pain reliever.  I always use this to rub down my lower body at night to help increase blood circulation especially on my feet since it always feels cold.

Shrink wrap to ensure freshness!

This bottle when they first launched years ago was limited edition. I happily snapped this up since it is very convenient to use unlike their regular one that has a bottle cap size hole which makes accident spillage more prominent.

I prefer this type since you are guaranteed that it was sold to you fresh. Their other standard size bottles are not shrink-wrap and are prone to being opened by other mischievous shoppers without you knowing.

Due to public reception this was already a regular item on the shelves but a couple of months ago there were none available at Hi-Top Supermarket, some Mercury Drugstore and Watson’s I went to. I was thinking that recession may play a part, you know:

recession = offer regular items to smaller sizes = cheaper and affordable.

I might also be wrong since I spotted this one from the most unusual places at all: inside Watson’s at The Enterprise Center Makati! I never for once expect it to be in there since office people usually buy you know the basics stuff.

This might say something about allocating proper resources to the right distribution channel. For me, thank heaven I got one! Hahaha!

Brand: Efficascent Oil
Price: Php 180-
Where: Watson’s inside The Enterprise Center Makati