It all begins with an “ahhhh” like the stunning eye-catching attention of a dazzling debutante’s first entry to the society. Same goes with the BALM Mary-Lou Manizer!

I’ve been eyeing this one a year ago and finally! I caught this gorgeous shimmering all around eye shadow/ highlighter / luminizer in Beauty Bar at Robinson Galleria a few months ago and decided it’s time to give a review about it before I hit the pan.

Here goes:

Very cute packaging design (like an old American pin-up style). Made in USA.  What more can you ask for?

Actual packaging of the product is “Baahh” but who cares? It’s sturdy.

After how many shots I’ve taken, so far this is the best.
It looks like a pale dead fish but in actual, this has a slight “soft” shimmer of champagne gold.

Heavy swatched but this sample is gorgeous in actual!
<Got this shot early evening because my battery when kaput so I have to wait for it to charge… 😦 >

The RECAP: For PHP 895, you can get a:
1. Smooth, buttery-like, luxurious shimmering eye shadow wash of “light champagne”. Perfect for any occasion.

2. Fairy-like glow on the cheeks or forehead that neither gritty or chunky with glitters. Just plain buttery smooth powder like Stila. (TIP: you can used this on your decollete or décolletage aka cleavage. Just use a kabuki brush)

3. Compact that has a mirror unlike others (not shown…I forgot).

4. For little use, you get a lot out of it. At 8.5grams, it’s bigger than size of a drug store face powder so it’s worth your every peso spend on it (if I’m not mistaken, it’s almost the size of Body Shop ED Autumn Leaves).

1. This is not for everyone. I don’t think this will work for dark skinned as it might looked pale or washed out. Best for light to slightly tanned skin.

2. This is the only shade available unlike other brands.

3. If you are heavy handed…prepare over shimmer overload!!!

Will I buy again?
YES! but I doubt soon because this is just big I don’t think I can finish it within a year.